The Centre (for Students with a Physical Disability)

Springwest Academy has a resource centre for students with physical disabilities. The centre is a LA resourced provision. The centre is able to accommodate 12 students in total from years 7 to 11  (if appropriate students can join the Tudor Park sixth form provision). The students are admitted according to need on the recommendation of the LA.   Advice is readily available to any interested parents/ carers regarding admission procedures to the Centre. The SENDCO and Head of Centre work closely with the appropriate LA officers to ensure appropriate placements.

Any parent requiring more information about the Centre is encouraged to contact the Head of Centre, Deputy SENDCO or SENDCO. Pupils are required to access a mainstream curriculum with support.


Head of Centre: Jade Rayner-Jones

Deputy Head of Centre: Dean Smith

Deputy SENDCo: Sharron Ryan

Teaching assistants: 8

Support Assistants: 3

Physiotherapist (provided by the NHS therapy services)

Occupational Therapist (provided by the NHS therapy services)

Speech & Language therapist -  (provided by the NHS therapy services)


The Centre is committed to meeting the needs of all students who have a physical disability or complex medical condition.  Our vision is to provide the highest quality of care and education for these students, in order for it to be a beacon of expert information and a model of excellence for integration and inclusion across all areas of Springwest Academy.

The main aim of the Centre is for each individual pupil to access appropriate learning that challenges them to achieve more in all areas of their life: independence, communication, social skills, emotional wellbeing and academic achievement, enabling young people to become valued and active participants in society.  In order to achieve this,  we support pupils by taking into account their individual needs and therefore the provision offered to pupils is bespoke and personalised.

Specialist intervention groups are run within the Centre  to enable students with a physical disability or complex medical condition  to reach their full social as well as academic potential.  Additionally, there are occupational therapists, speech and language therapists and physiotherapists  who work with students and staff to ensure specialist therapy requirements are incorporated into the work the Centre  does with individuals and groups of pupils. Where appropriate, additional adult support enhances the support provided for individuals and groups of pupils in mainstream lessons. 

The school has wheelchair access across the site with a number of adapted toilet facilities and specialist handling equipment in place to support the intimate care and manual handling of young people if required. The Centre team works closely with health professionals to ensure the physical and health needs of individual pupils are managed sensitively.