Davison House

Who is Emily Davison?

Emily Davison was a teacher, turned suffragette who fought for votes for women. She was educated at nearby Royal Holloway University, a part of the group of the very first women in England to go to university. She was very brave, continuing to fight for women’s rights even though she was arrested and put in prison several times. She died when she was hit by the King’s horse at the Epsom Derby in 1913 whilst trying to draw attention to her cause.












Head of House Introduction

I am overjoyed to have the honour of leading Davison House. Emily Wilding-Davision has always been a role model of mine, she was a fellow teacher and we were educated at the same university.  I know that without the bravery of people like Emily, my life and the lives of many of us in Britain would look very different. Students who have the good fortune to belong in Davison House will strive for fairness and equality, they have an example of resilience, bravery and determination that they can follow. Davison House of course stands for gender equality, but also tolerance and acceptance of all people who face challenges, are marginalized or may just be wonderfully different!

'Deeds not words' is the iconic quote by suffragette leader and friend of Davison, Emmeline Pankhurst. Davison students can apply this to their school life; their words are important but it is what they do and how they act that will ultimately define them. I cannot wait to see the greatness that the students of Davison House will achieve. 

Ms Goddard