Springwest academy 4


To apply for a place in Year 7 for your child you will need to:

Make an application through Hounslow's School Admissions Service.

If you do not live in Hounslow, you will need to apply using the application process for the borough in which you live.

Further information can be found in our Admissions Policy on the Policies page.


School to publish Appeals Timetable on website no later than

28 February 2024

National Offer Day

1 March 2024

Closing date for parents/carers to lodge a written appeal

1 April 2024

School to acknowledge receipt of appeal no later than

19 April 2024                  

Last date for the school to submit their evidence

5 May 2024

Notification to appellants of date arrangements for their hearing no later than

19 May 2024

Clerk to send copies of all appeals paperwork to members of the appeal panel no later than

19 May 2024

Last date for appellants to submit any additional evidence

31 May 2024 
Appeal Hearings w/c 5 June 2024 

The final decision on the outcome of an appeal will be sent via letter within 5 days of the appeal hearing where possible.

In-year appeals will be acknowledged within 5 school days. Notice of the hearing will be given within 20 school days of the appeal being lodged. Appeals will be heard within 30 days of the appeal being lodged. Decision letters will be issued within 5 school days of the Appeal Hearing wherever possible.

Click here to access our appeals form

Email: admissions@hounslow.gov.uk 

Telephone: 020 8583 2711

School Admissions Team
Hounslow House
7 Bath Road

How to apply for a place once the academic year has started

If your child is already in years 7-11 and wishes to apply for a place at Springwest Academy, please contact Hounslow's School Admissions Service.  They will be able to tell you if we have spaces available in our school.


I am so humbled by the whole experience. So strange its made me so tearful. You must be so proud of how it all went. Incredible. The young girls I was with were absolutely amazing. I learnt so much from this. Thank you.

External visitor feedback from a student voice panel

There is a wide range of support for students, Heads of Years, Pastoral Mentors, teachers and tutors that can help you in any situation. There is always someone who will l look after you.

Student Feedback

The staff at Springwest are committed to the students learning. The teaching is great. Teachers are always going out of their way to help students.

Year 7 Parent

I know who to talk to if I have any issues.

Student Feedback

I just wanted to let you all know, I had a parent approach me at the farm yesterday, she wanted to tell me how kind and thoughtful some of our students were towards her 6yr old son on the climbing frames. She said the students let her son go in front of them and gave him a little help and encouragement. The students were all so well behaved and represented the school very well.

Member of staff

The Coaching approach to CPD is much better and useful than the traditional way of everyone sitting in a hall listening to one person speaking. It allows teachers to work closely together to focus on specific elements that can be tailored to their own teaching needs with guidance from Walkthrus


I can't thank this school enough and the teachers for how much my son has progressed since he has been here. You are all wonderful. The extra activities here, the arts, sports, dance and gardening are amazing


The trainees could not have been luckier to do their School Centred Learning at Springwest Academy – they have been exposed to so much outstanding teaching practice, and they have been able to experience so many different teaching scenarios themselves, that has set them up in the best possible way for September

Trainee Teachers

Life at Springwest Academy



Year 10 Parent

Year 10 Parent

English Teacher

Mr Daley

Year 8


Year 10


Assistant Principal

Ms Horoz