
Tudor Park Education Trust

“Inspired by the success of our schools and our students. Open minded, future focused and passionate about education.  We make a difference every day.”

Springwest Academy is part of Tudor Park Education Trust (TPET). Springwest's governance is made up of a Local Governing Body, a board of directors (of the wider Trust) and members of the Trust. More information on the structure of the Trust and our governance arrangements can be found below and on the Trust's website as well as through the UK Government's Company Information Service.

Company Registration Number 07798639 (England and Wales)

Registered Office
Browell's Lane
Greater London
TW13 7EF / 0208 831 3000

CEO – Steve Price

Chair of Directors – Charlotte Warner

There is a Trust Scheme of Delegation that sets out the accountabilities and responsibilities of Directors, the CEO, Governors and Principals.

Scheme of Delegation

Our Mission

Tudor Park Education Trust is firmly rooted in Feltham and its locality and is deeply committed to its development. The Trust is founded on the belief that inspirational teaching and learning is the key to future opportunity. We have developed an expertise in training and developing our teachers to be innovative and creative ensuring progress at all levels. We are determined to secure a happy and healthy community that is energised by the achievements of its young people.

We want to work in a collaboration of local schools, working together for the benefit of the individual and the whole.

We are committed to inclusion and determined to offer excellence in our provision for children with all ranges of educational needs.

We will provide challenge and strong leadership in our schools to ensure our shared vision is achieved.

We take a lead role in the Hounslow Partnership of Schools.

We are actively connected to wider partnerships that influence the broader educational landscape.

Local Governing Body

Together we form the Local Governing Body of Springwest Academy. We audit our skills as governors to ensure that we have the right mix of people and talent to best support the success of the school. We all undertake safeguarding training every year and three of us are trained in safer recruitment.  We have a Clerk, Rebecca Wilson, who takes our minutes and advises us of our legal responsibilities.  The Governors, their business and pecuniary interests and attendance at meetings can be seen in the documents below.pecuniary interests and meeting attendance

Financial Scheme of Delegation

How does governance work in our Trust?

Each part of the governance structure is committed to the success of the family of schools in our Trust and wider partnerships. Professional management and leadership of the schools is delivered by the education professionals employed by the Trusts.

Governance by all bodies in our Trust is about:

  • Setting and carefully reviewing the strategic direction
  • Ensuring that public money is spent wisely to give value for money and best outcomes for our children and young people
  • Determining and upholding the ethos and values of the Trust
  • Holding our educational professional to account for the standards, impact and performance of our schools
  • Supporting and encouraging the work of the schools and school leaders
  • Acting as ambassadors for the individual school and the Trust as whole

All parts of our governance are highly valued as together our work creates success at each level for our schools. The Board and Local Governing Bodies work collaboratively in partnership at all times. The Board will make decisions, following consultation with Local Governing Bodies, on matters which affect all academies in the Trust. The Local Governing Body will make decisions on matters which affect their individual academies. Local Governing Bodies and their Principals in the Trust should be as autonomous as possible and have as much freedom as possible in order to achieve excellence for their school.

There does have to be a primacy of decision making in any successfully run enterprise and a school, or family of schools, is no different. Therefore there exists the need for a Scheme of Delegation. Our accountability framework is strong and goes in more than one direction. The Board must take action, including the withdrawal or partial withdrawal of delegated authorities should any individual, group or Local Governing Body, fail to carry out their duties and responsibilities effectively.

Governors have a term of office for four years. The full governing body at our school meets 4 times a year.   The meetings start at 8.30 am and usually last for around 2 to 2 ½ hours. The morning meetings allow governors to meet staff and students and see the school at work.

The main focus of the Governing Body meetings are Teaching & Learning alongside behaviour attendance and wellbeing. The function of the Governing Body is to support the Principal in leading a great school with successful outcomes for all of our students and staff. They work with the Chief Executive Officer of the Trust to report back to the Board of Directors on how the school is doing. Governors need to play the role of a ‘critical friend’, challenging robustly where necessary, but always remembering that the Principal is responsible for the day to day running of the school.

Key responsibilities of Governors:

The Local Governing Body  holds the Principal and Senior Leaders of the academy to account. They work most closely with the professional leaders in their schools on behalf of: children, young people, parents and the community. Their primary concern is that their children or young people have a great experience at school and are well safeguarded. They ensure that progress is strong and targets are monitored, achieved and reported on to the Board. They represent the interests of pupils and parents to the Board and in turn hold the Executive Head and the Board to account for ensuring standards of learning and welfare are kept high.

Local Governing Body’s Role – The Three Ps


  • Recommend targets for achievement and the school development plan
  • Review progress regularly – ensuring progress gaps are closed or closing
  • Review curriculum
  • Review teaching for learning strategies
  • Monitor ongoing professional development of staff
  • Ensure performance management of staff is carried out and robust
  • Ensure SMSC offer is strong
  • Report to the Board


  • Monitor and review all safeguarding procedures – student welfare is of highest priority
  • Monitor the school site for safety and accessibility
  • Monitor the progress of Looked after Children, children with SEND and those on CP plan
  • Review all arrangements for ensuring health and wellbeing of the school community
  • Monitor attendance, punctuality and exclusions targets and report
  • Review transition arrangements and CEIAG
  • Monitor safer recruitment practices
  • Listen and respond to feedback from stakeholders


  • Consult with the Board in agreeing a funding model and review compliance at school level
  • Consult with the Finance Director in respect of the budget requirements of the school
  • Consult with the Board on the determination and allocation of central services
  • Recommend two governors to sit on the appointment panel for a new Principal
  • Appoint school staff as recommended by Principal / Head
  • Recommend new governors and LGB chair and vice-chair
  • Review the training requirements of governors and work with wider partnership networks on sharing best practice
  • Ensure the school and trust are represented in a strong network of wider partnerships to the benefit of the Trust and its wider educational community
  • Work with the Clerk of the Trust and the Directors to ensure that reporting and lines of accountability are clear
  • Proactively manage the reputation of the school within the community
  • Key School Development Priorities for 2022-23:
  • Creating a framework to enable all students to achieve. 
  • Continue to improve behaviour.
  • Literacy, oracy and reading.

Andy Watkins - Chair of Governing Body

I was really honoured to be asked by Simon Hart to consider being a governor at Springwest Academy and joined the governing body in 2021.  I have since been elected Chair of Governors.  

Outside of Springwest, I am the Vicar at Christ Church Feltham on the Hanworth Road. Prior to that I was a youth worker, and then before that I was primary school teacher in Australia.  I am married to Elizabeth and am father to four small kids.  I have lived and worked in Feltham for the past 4 years!

Throughout my career I have always been passionate about young people and their education.  I long to see young people flourish in every aspect of their lives.  Combined with this, I really do love Feltham and want the very best for it. As Chair of Governors, I hope I am able to play a small part in seeing a great school  be all it could be.  I believe my experience both in teaching, youth work and as a vicar in the local community will mean I will be able to make a valuable contribution to the life of the school going forward.  Alongside being the chair, I have also taken responsibility for safeguarding at Springwest.


David Snaddon

A former student at Springwest, then known (as those of us of a certain age will recall) as Feltham Community School, I joined the governing board in 1988 and was Chair from 1994 to 2001. I am currently the Vice Chair of Springwest Governing Body and, since 2015, one of the five Members of the Tudor Park Education Trust which is responsible for both Springwest Academy and the Logic Studio School.

Now early retired, I joined the Financial Times newspaper straight from school working as a researcher and news librarian based in the London editorial library.

I am pleased to be able to support the provision of excellent educational opportunities for the young people of my local community

Hazzel Dunn - Staff Governor

Hazzel started her teaching career at Springwest in 2017 as a trainee teacher, subsequently joining as a PE teacher in 2018. She is Deputy Head of PE and is involved heavily in co-curricular sporting activities throughout the year. Alongside teaching she also leads the successful Duke of Edinburgh Programme for Springwest. 

She is pleased to be able to have the opportunity to make an impact on the curriculum and wider life of the students she works with everyday.

Martin Charlwood

I am an engineer by trade and enjoy socialising and travel. I currently have two grandchildren attending Springwest Academy. I attended the school as a pupil myself many years ago and had my life changed by my amazing teachers who supported both myself and the whole school to achieve. Parents and teachers all want the same thing from Springwest: a positive ethos and culture that provides and promotes education both academically and socially and prepares our children for adulthood.

Mariana Luxardo - Vice Chair

Mariana has recently joined our governing body. 

She worked at the Wholesale Credit Risk department at Santander in Buenos Aires, New York and London for over 15 years. In 2008, she moved to the UK where she was made responsible for the management and assessment of the credit risk portfolio for Large Corporates, SMEs and Structure Finance products. Through her various roles within the credit risk area, she was involved in the development of the Wholesale Corporate franchise that supported the Corporate and Investment banking division.

More recently,she decided to apply her financial experience and skills through volunteering within the Educational system in order to support young children and their communities.

Frances Gibney

Frances has recently joined our governing body. 

Frances is an Assistant Headteacher and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator at a secondary school in Hounslow. Her teaching career began in 2009 when she trained as an English teacher at the Institute of Education and discovered her passion for education. She went on to develop her expertise by completing a Masters in Education and in her current role she specialised in Special Educational Needs as well as having led on Safeguarding and Pupil Premium.  

She is delighted to join Springwest Academy as a governor and hopes that her knowledge and skills help to bring about the best possible outcomes for the students and their families.  

She grew up in the local area and continues to live locally so takes great pleasure in being able to give something back to the community. 

Clive Brooks

I was honoured to be asked to become a parent governor in 2018 whilst my daughter was a student at Springwest until September 2022.  My daughter enjoyed her time at school, attained very good grades and is presently in her second year at college studying 3 A-Levels; Forensic Science & Criminal Law. She has university in her plans, which she says she couldn’t have achieved without all the support and knowledge gained from her Springwest teachers and experience.

I work on a 22-building business estate as a Construction, Maintenance and Project Supervisor for a leading global company within facilities and real estate to ensure safe, compliant, and modern working offices. 

My skills and qualifications are Advanced Craft Carpenter & Joiner, Facilities Maintenance & Project supervision, IOSH Managing Safely, FDIS Diploma in Fire Door Inspection and Control of Works qualified AP management of construction contractors for Working at Height, IPAF, PASMA, Scaffolding, Excavation, Confined Space Entry and Hot Works Activities and Permit to work all assists. These qualifications ensure that I can meet my company and customer expectations.   I also support local youth at the Sunbury & Walton Sea Cadets committee where I was a cadet and staff member for over 25 years.

Our youth are our future and I feel it a privilege to be able to give any advice, knowledge and support I can, in order to help our young people to succeed.