

"The study of geography is about more than just memorising places on a map. It's about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exist across continents. And in the end, it's about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.”  - Barack Obama


Geography is...

A subject which gives pupils an understanding of the great diversity of people and places that make up our world. Through learning about their local, national and international communities, pupils become more responsible citizens and more aware of their role in the future of our planet.


SEQUENCE of Learning



Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer         1

Summer         2



My Home What is Feltham like? 


What controls the weather and how does it impact us in the UK? 

Population and migration

Why do people migrate? 



How do humans use rivers?


Why is it important to understand Africa?

EOY Portfolio 



How is development different around the world?


Tropical rainforests

How are our rainforests changing?


How does urban planning impact our city?

Natural resources

How do we use our planet's resources ?



EOY Portfolio 


Geography of Health How can diseases impact our lives?


What impacts do volcanoes have on us? 


How do we use our planet's resources?


Why is the UK having a crisis and how can we solve this? 


What causes conflict around the world? 

EOY Portfolio





What are the physical processes of earth and how do we interact with them? 


Living world

What are the ecosystems and how do we interact with them? 

UK physical (coasts)

What are the physical processes that occur at our coastlines?

How do humans use the coast to benefit us?

UK physical (rivers) 

What are the physical processes that occur in our rivers?

How do humans use the coast to benefit?


How and why drainage basin and channel characteristics influence flood risk for people and property along a river in the UK?  

How and why does quality of life vary in urban areas?

EOY Revision


Urban challenges (paper 2)

How are urban areas changing? What impact will this have on how we live? 

Changing Economies 

Resource Management

Paper 3

Unseen booklet and fieldwork



GCSE current Year 11: Edexcel B Geography

GCSE current Year 10: AQA Geography  


There is a wide range of support for students, Heads of Years, Pastoral Mentors, teachers and tutors that can help you in any situation. There is always someone who will l look after you.

Student Feedback

The staff at Springwest are committed to the students learning. The teaching is great. Teachers are always going out of their way to help students.

Year 7 Parent

I just wanted to let you all know, I had a parent approach me at the farm yesterday, she wanted to tell me how kind and thoughtful some of our students were towards her 6yr old son on the climbing frames. She said the students let her son go in front of them and gave him a little help and encouragement. The students were all so well behaved and represented the school very well.

Member of staff

The Coaching approach to CPD is much better and useful than the traditional way of everyone sitting in a hall listening to one person speaking. It allows teachers to work closely together to focus on specific elements that can be tailored to their own teaching needs with guidance from Walkthrus


I can't thank this school enough and the teachers for how much my son has progressed since he has been here. You are all wonderful. The extra activities here, the arts, sports, dance and gardening are amazing


The trainees could not have been luckier to do their School Centred Learning at Springwest Academy – they have been exposed to so much outstanding teaching practice, and they have been able to experience so many different teaching scenarios themselves, that has set them up in the best possible way for September

Trainee Teachers

It was an absolute pleasure walking into lessons and seeing the positive relationships between teachers and students.


I often see your pupils in the morning when I'm taking my own kids to school and I'm really impressed with how polite, friendly and courteous they are. They are a real credit to themselves and your school.

Member of the public