Springwest academy 16


"Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.  Art is knowing which ones to keep." - Scott Adams


ART is...

A vital form of human creativity that engages, inspires, and challenges. At Springwest Academy, our art and design education equips pupils with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent, and create their own works of art, craft, and design.

Our curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:

  • Produce creative work, exploring ideas and recording experiences
  • Begin to develop proficiency in various art, craft, and design techniques
  • Evaluate and analyse creative works using subject-specific language
  • Learn about great artists and designers, understanding the historical and cultural development of their art forms

As pupils progress, they develop critical thinking skills and a deeper understanding of art and design. They learn how art reflects and shapes our history, contributing to our nation's culture and creativity.

We aim to develop pupils' creativity, ideas, and technical proficiency while fostering a critical understanding of artists and designers. Through art, pupils observe, explore, and understand the world around them, embarking on a journey of self-expression and lifelong engagement with the visual world.


Art & Photography Curriculum Map

KS Year Rotation 1 Rotation 2

In Year 7 - Art and Design Students will explore what communities mean to them through formal elements and natural forms, focusing on their school environment.

Character Education Focus - Community Pride

Perspective Project
Pop Art
Adding perspective in your drawing creates the impression that there is depth. Throughout centuries artists used perspective drawing for this particular purpose. In this unit students will look at different ways of how to use perspective to create cityscapes and landscapes In this unit, students will explore the life and artwork of Michael Craig Martin, a prominent contemporary artist known for his innovative and influential contributions to the world of conceptual art and pop art. Through a variety of activities and discussions, students will analyse his works, understand his unique artistic vision, and develop their own artistic expressions inspired by his style.

In Year 8 - Art and Design Students will explore how creativity will help them grow as individuals through exploring art history movements and being inspired by everyday objects to create individual outcomes

Character Education Focus - Creativity

Cubism Project
Natural Forms
Students will explore one of the most creative historical periods for visual Art - Cubism.  They will explore established arts techniques and create their own response. In this unit of work students will start to explore digital art as a medium.  They will explore the work of an established artist, carry out a photo shoot and learn how to manipulate these images into patterns based on natural forms.

In Year 9 - Art and Design Students will be stepping out of their comfort zones by working in a more independent way, exploring identity and completing their KS3 journey.

Character Education Focus - Autonomy
Tiny World
Identity Project
In this unit of work, students will explore the fascinating world of forced perspective photography. They will dive into the work of the innovative street artist Slinkachu, who masterfully creates miniature scenes in urban environments to challenge our perceptions of scale and reality. Students will start to move beyond the practical application of ‘how to draw’ a portrait, and will try to develop a deeper understanding of the impact of culture and other personal influences to create a final piece.
KS Year Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2    Summer  
4 Art
Natural Forms
This Art Unit explores the theme of 'Objects', a rich and diverse subject in the art world. You'll investigate how artists have represented objects using various materials, techniques, and compositions. Through a series of workshops, you'll experiment with different artistic methods, focusing on objects that hold personal significance. By studying established artists, you'll gain insights into diverse materials and techniques, enhancing your artistic skills and expanding your creative repertoire. See Below:
Natural Forms
Externally Set Task
In this project, students will draw inspiration from the world around them, creating works that celebrate and highlight natural forms. These forms offer a rich tapestry of textures, shapes, and colours, making them an ideal subject matter for artistic exploration. By studying and interpreting natural forms, students can develop their observational skills, experiment with various artistic styles, and create works that resonate with the inherent beauty and complexity of the natural world. In January, the exam board releases diverse themes for students to choose from, initiating the externally set assignment - a key part of the GCSE assessment. Students have about 12 weeks to develop their chosen theme into a comprehensive project, exploring various artists, techniques, and ideas. The project concludes with a 10-hour supervised exam, usually over two days, where students create their final piece.
4 Photo
Abstract Photography
Places and Spaces
Inside Out
This unit teaches students to create unique, professional abstract images by viewing subjects from new perspectives, developing their skills as creative photographers. This unit explores landscape photography in natural and urban environments. Students will learn to create compelling images that tell stories about places and spaces, and explore photo editing techniques. Studying renowned photographers, you'll develop skills to transform raw images into artistic statements, creating your own visual language to express your perspective on your surroundings. This project focuses on exploring advanced photo editing techniques. The 'Inside Out' theme offers a broad range of interpretations, allowing students to investigate diverse subjects. By studying various contemporary digital artists, students will gain insight into how technology is used to create innovative photographic artwork.
Externally Set Task

This project focuses on creating visual narratives through photography. Students will explore how incorporating text can alter or enhance an image's meaning and story. By studying established artists who use this technique, students will develop skills to craft their own narrative images, combining visuals and text to convey powerful messages.

In January, the exam board will release a selection of diverse themes for students to choose from. This marks the beginning of the externally set assignment, a crucial component of the GCSE assessment. Students will have approximately 12 weeks to develop their chosen theme into a comprehensive project, exploring various artists, techniques, and ideas. 

 The project culminates in a 10-hour supervised exam session, typically spread over two days, during which students will create their final piece.