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Eco Committee
At Springwest, we care about the school, local and global environment and this year we are very excited we have launched our Eco Committee. So many of our enthusiastic and dedicated students across all year groups are part of this initiative, coming up with ways how Springwest can be more environmentally friendly.
One of the issues our Eco Committee wants to sort out is the problem of litter, not just around school but around the local community. Therefore during Prep on Tuesday 26th March, Mr Corps took the Y9 students from the Eco Committee into Feltham town centre to do some litter picking. We are very proud to help our local community and to show to them how much our Springwest students take pride in doing their bit. We were amazed how much litter we managed to pick up in such a short time, but went back knowing this little act has made such a huge and positive impact to the environment of our local community.